1. Effective Programming: More Than Writing Code - by Jeff Atwood
Published in 2012, this books is for all things programming: programming, team work, managing, marketing... I love the sections: The Art of Getting Shit Done, Principles of Good Programming, Testing Your Code, So it Doesn't Suck More Than it Has To.
One of the best quotes in my opinion
As a software developer, you are your own worst enemy. The sooner you realize that, the better off you'll be
For more interesting posts, visit CodingHorror Blog. There are a ton of things can change your mind.
2. Swift in Depth - by Tjeerd in 't Veen
Published in December 2018, I think this is a must-read book for Swift developer. The beginners should read and understand Swift syntax before read this book.
As its name, this book includes advanced topics in Swift. It has great clean explanations and examples, easy to understand the concepts.
My favourits parts: Making optionals second nature, Effortless error handling, Generics, Putting the pro in protocol-oriented programming, Protocol extensions. I will have some posts for these topics.
3. (Vietnamese version) Last Days of Hitler - by Hugh Trevor-Roper
Published in September 2013, it's good book describe about the circumstance of Hitler and his command. So many intentions, plans are described in details.
4. Sh*t My Dad Says - by Justin Halpern
I randomly picked this book and I enjoyed reading it. It has funny stories and we can learn a lot from thems.
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