Repeating tasks, e.g. fetching APIs, are tasks/block codes need to be excuted every interval time. I sometimes have to deal with them. And they sometimes become massive with a lot of timer and release timer things. So I decide to write a simple short-polling center in Swift. Short-polling repo
What I need a polling center do
Excute a task every interval
Excute tasks in a single background queue
Easy to enable/disable a polling
Seperate each polling
What I will implement
Protocol for polling item. So I can create my own polling item easily.
Have uid so I can manage them
Can config time interval
Have a handler for excuting
Polling center. For managing polling item.
Singleton object
Have a queue for every tasks can excute in background queue
I've almost done for creating center. Now I will add polling items and let them running in queue.
Resume/Pause Pollingable items via polling uid
fileprivate func resumePolling(_ uid: String) {
if let polling = self.pollings[uid], let state = self.pollingStates[uid] {
if state == false {
self.pollingStates[uid] = true
fileprivate func pausePolling(_ uid: String) {
if let polling = self.pollings[uid], let state = self.pollingStates[uid] {
if state == true {
self.pollingStates[uid] = false
I make them private because they have to be executed in a queue, so they won't be conflicted each others.
Add Pollingable item to Polling Center
func addPolling(_ polling: Pollingable) {
// check if uid is added
if pollings.index(forKey: polling.uid()) == nil {
// create timer for polling item
pollings[polling.uid()] = createTimer(polling: polling)
// defaut disable
pollingStates[polling.uid()] = false