
Repeating tasks, e.g. fetching APIs, are tasks/block codes need to be excuted every interval time. I sometimes have to deal with them. And they sometimes become massive with a lot of timer and release timer things. So I decide to write a simple short-polling center in Swift. Short-polling repo

What I need a polling center do

  • Excute a task every interval

  • Excute tasks in a single background queue

  • Easy to enable/disable a polling

  • Seperate each polling

What I will implement

  • Protocol for polling item. So I can create my own polling item easily.

    • Have uid so I can manage them

    • Can config time interval

    • Have a handler for excuting

  • Polling center. For managing polling item.

    • Singleton object

    • Have a queue for every tasks can excute in background queue

    • Have a timer for each Pollingable item

    • Enable/disable Pollingable item in a queue also

1. Protocol for Pollingable item

protocol Pollingable {
  // default uid for polling
  func uid() -> String
  static func uid() -> String
  // interval in second
  func interval() -> Int
  // invoke handler every interval
  func eventHandler() -> (() -> Void)
extension Pollingable where Self: NSObject {
  func uid() -> String {
    return String(describing: Self.self)

  static func uid() -> String {
    return String(describing: Self.self)

2. Polling Center

Singleton center

  private static var sharedInstance: PollingCenter = {
    let pollingCenter = PollingCenter()
    return pollingCenter

  static func shared() -> PollingCenter {
    return sharedInstance

Queue for timer

  private let serialQueueChanging = DispatchQueue(label: "serialQueuePollingCenter")

Timer for each Pollingable item

  private func createTimer(polling: Pollingable) -> DispatchSourceTimer {
    let queue = DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background)
    let timer = DispatchSource.makeTimerSource(queue: queue)
    timer.schedule(deadline: .now(), repeating: .seconds(polling.interval()))
    timer.setEventHandler(handler: {
    return timer

I've almost done for creating center. Now I will add polling items and let them running in queue.

Resume/Pause Pollingable items via polling uid

  fileprivate func resumePolling(_ uid: String) {
    if let polling = self.pollings[uid], let state = self.pollingStates[uid] {
      if state == false {
        self.pollingStates[uid] = true

  fileprivate func pausePolling(_ uid: String) {
    if let polling = self.pollings[uid], let state = self.pollingStates[uid] {
      if state == true {
        self.pollingStates[uid] = false

I make them private because they have to be executed in a queue, so they won't be conflicted each others.

Add Pollingable item to Polling Center

  func addPolling(_ polling: Pollingable) {
    // check if uid is added
    if pollings.index(forKey: polling.uid()) == nil {
      // create timer for polling item
      pollings[polling.uid()] = createTimer(polling: polling)
      // defaut disable
      pollingStates[polling.uid()] = false

Enable/Disable Pollingable item

  func enablePolling(_ uid: String) {
    self.serialQueueChanging.sync {
  func disablePolling(_ uid: String) {
    self.serialQueueChanging.sync {

Excute resume/pause Polling item in the queue so they won't be conficted.

Done. Now I can use this simple center:

let pollingCenter = PollingCenter.sharedInstance()
let printPolling = PrintPolling() // Pollingable item
pollingCenter.enablePolling(printPolling.uid()) // item's running now

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